CCleaner 5.00.5050 Instalable + Portable Todas las Ediciones + UnCleaner 1.7
CCleaner 5.00.5050 (25 noviembre 2014) es una utilidad que busca y elimina archivos basura y errores en Windows. Con unos pocos clicks CCleaner ayuda a recuperar espacio en el disco y consigue que tu PC sea más rápido, eficiente y estable. He incluido en la descarga UnCleaner 1.7 que se encargará de la limpieza de Windows.
El Limpiador es la función principal de CCleaner: con un rápido análisis detecta archivos innecesarios de Windows y de las aplicaciones que tengas instaladas, y te ayuda a eliminarlos de forma sencilla y muy efectiva incluso podrás personalizar el escaneo para que encuentre y elimine solo lo que tú desees.
La sección Registro de CCleaner se dedica a comprobar la integridad del Registro de Windows, el archivo que contiene la configuración del sistema. CCleaner escanea el Registro en busca de más de una docena de tipos de error y ofrece la posibilidad de guardar una copia de seguridad antes de efectuar la reparación.
El menú Herramientas de CCleaner contiene utilidades específicas, aunque son básicas y sencillas cumplen con su cometido eficientemente esta compuesto por: un desinstalador rápido de programas, un editor de los programas que se inician con Windows, gestor de puntos de Restauración, borrado seguro (disco o espacio libre) y un buscador de archivos.
Cambios en v:5.00.5050
• New improved GUI.
• Improved internal architecture for better performance.
• Added Google Chrome plugin management.
• Improved Google Chrome Startup item detection.
• Optimized automatic updates for Pro version.
• Improved system restore detection routine.
• Updated exception handling and reporting architecture.
• Optimized 64-bit builds on Windows 8, 8.1 and 10.
• Updated various translations.
• Many performance improvements and bug fixes.
UnCleaner 1.7
UnCleaner 1.7 es la ultima versión de este excelente limpiador que se enfoca en la limpieza del Sistema Operativo...
Novedades en v: 1.7
- Now is optimized for mobile computers, only auto clean if the computer have a power supply connected.
- Added an exception to Windows Updates Cleaner. Now it's only cleaned in silent mode (Auto Clean).
- Added the full support to Windows 8 using Scheduled Tasks instead of standard auto run.
- Added silent switches to the installer such as "/NOWINDOW" and "/NOWINDOW-AUTOSTART".
- Hard reduced the final size using the same installer for uninstall.
- Fixed a critical error on some systems with locked directories.
- Added the integrity check every run preventing file violations.
- Fixed the crash when the opatity level is greater than 100.
- Fixed installer problems when the application is running.
- Double click to browse files in File Report was added.
- Optimized the clean engine using a new lookup module.
- Added the Ownership method for all tracked files.
- Now display the last work by Auto Clean feature.
- Fixed the high CPU load when move the window.
- Fixed DPI issues with large resolutions.
- Added PRE-JIT methods on the CLR header.
- Fixed GUI bugs when double click.
- Removed the notify baloon.
- Added the Donation label.
- Optimized the core code.
- Fixed the update server.
UnCleaner Limpia:
Windows Update Downloaded & Log Files *
Account Temp Files for All Users
LocalApplicationData Log Files
ApplicationData SubItems Logs
Microsoft .NET Framework Logs
Windows Installer Temp Files
Windows Folder Log Files
ServiceProfiles Log Files
Downloaded Installations
Performance Log Files
Drivers Inf Log Files
ReportQueue Log Files
Shutdown Cache Files
Prefetch Cached Data
DataStore Temp Files
Explorer Temp Files
Narrator Temp Files
Shell Cached Icons
Shell Cached Files
Updates Temp Files
System32 Log Files
*.tmp Stored Files
Offline Web Pages
Cached Wallpapers
System Log Files
Panther Log Files
Logon Temp Files
WINSAT Log Files
MSDTC Log Files
Debug Log Files
Root Log Files
Wbem Log Files
Font Cache Files
Cached Folders
WER Log Files
WDI Log Files
CatRoot Logs
Recycle Bin
Driver Logs
Temp Files
* Only with silent mode using the Auto Clean feature, preventing fails on the updates.
Si quieres hacer mas de 1 descarga de un mismo servidor deberás esperar un tiempo entre descarga y descarga… para poder hacerla y no tener que esperar: Apaga ± 10 segundos y Vuelve a encender el router (en caso de que tu ip sea dinamica).
Recuerda que todos los programas que posteo están full, ya que los instalo/verifico antes de subirlos… las capturas son todas de mi máquina.
• New improved GUI.
• Improved internal architecture for better performance.
• Added Google Chrome plugin management.
• Improved Google Chrome Startup item detection.
• Optimized automatic updates for Pro version.
• Improved system restore detection routine.
• Updated exception handling and reporting architecture.
• Optimized 64-bit builds on Windows 8, 8.1 and 10.
• Updated various translations.
• Many performance improvements and bug fixes.
UnCleaner 1.7
UnCleaner 1.7 es la ultima versión de este excelente limpiador que se enfoca en la limpieza del Sistema Operativo...
Novedades en v: 1.7
- Now is optimized for mobile computers, only auto clean if the computer have a power supply connected.
- Added an exception to Windows Updates Cleaner. Now it's only cleaned in silent mode (Auto Clean).
- Added the full support to Windows 8 using Scheduled Tasks instead of standard auto run.
- Added silent switches to the installer such as "/NOWINDOW" and "/NOWINDOW-AUTOSTART".
- Hard reduced the final size using the same installer for uninstall.
- Fixed a critical error on some systems with locked directories.
- Added the integrity check every run preventing file violations.
- Fixed the crash when the opatity level is greater than 100.
- Fixed installer problems when the application is running.
- Double click to browse files in File Report was added.
- Optimized the clean engine using a new lookup module.
- Added the Ownership method for all tracked files.
- Now display the last work by Auto Clean feature.
- Fixed the high CPU load when move the window.
- Fixed DPI issues with large resolutions.
- Added PRE-JIT methods on the CLR header.
- Fixed GUI bugs when double click.
- Removed the notify baloon.
- Added the Donation label.
- Optimized the core code.
- Fixed the update server.
UnCleaner Limpia:
Windows Update Downloaded & Log Files *
Account Temp Files for All Users
LocalApplicationData Log Files
ApplicationData SubItems Logs
Microsoft .NET Framework Logs
Windows Installer Temp Files
Windows Folder Log Files
ServiceProfiles Log Files
Downloaded Installations
Performance Log Files
Drivers Inf Log Files
ReportQueue Log Files
Shutdown Cache Files
Prefetch Cached Data
DataStore Temp Files
Explorer Temp Files
Narrator Temp Files
Shell Cached Icons
Shell Cached Files
Updates Temp Files
System32 Log Files
*.tmp Stored Files
Offline Web Pages
Cached Wallpapers
System Log Files
Panther Log Files
Logon Temp Files
WINSAT Log Files
MSDTC Log Files
Debug Log Files
Root Log Files
Wbem Log Files
Font Cache Files
Cached Folders
WER Log Files
WDI Log Files
CatRoot Logs
Recycle Bin
Driver Logs
Temp Files
* Only with silent mode using the Auto Clean feature, preventing fails on the updates.
Si quieres hacer mas de 1 descarga de un mismo servidor deberás esperar un tiempo entre descarga y descarga… para poder hacerla y no tener que esperar: Apaga ± 10 segundos y Vuelve a encender el router (en caso de que tu ip sea dinamica).
Recuerda que todos los programas que posteo están full, ya que los instalo/verifico antes de subirlos… las capturas son todas de mi máquina.
S.O.: xp/vista/7/8.x || 13 Mb || Multilenguaje (UnCleaner Inglés) || Medicina: CCleaner crack + seriales (UnCleaner no hace falta)